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Design and win a custom Air Force 1 sneaker!

The white Nike Air Force 1 is a real classic, especially the white color. Although the silhouette has been with us since 1982, it is now more popular than ever. A custom Air Force 1 is the perfect opportunity to stand out from the crowd: in the joint prize game of Dobi Designs and True to Sole, you can now design such a custom Air Force 1 Low sneaker - and we will make the best design!

Here you can find downloadable templates and then you can unleash your creativity!


Let the planning begin!

You can do it on the phone, on a computer, print it out and color it - we leave this part completely up to you! What is very important is that you only design things that can be painted on the surface of the shoe, because we cannot add or sew them or make other modifications.

Send it!

Send your finished work (only one per person!) to by midnight on July 11, 2021. Be sure to write your foot size in the letter and if you want, you can also write a little story!
We will be happy if you share your work in Insta Story and tag the profiles @truetosole and @dobidesign.

This is how we choose the winner!

From the photos submitted by the deadline, the True to Sole team will select four designs, which will be voted on in Instagram Stories. First, you can choose the two best, and then they will compete to see which one you like best!

We will make this best design as a gift: True to Sole will provide the shoes, and Dobi Designs will make the winner's dream come true!
If you have any questions, ask at or on Instagram!


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